Discover your genetically determined Personality Type, Purpose in Life and Ideal Partner Type |
Below is a list of 8 identity types, 4 for each biological gender. The eight types apply across all age, ethnic and cultural groups. Our personalities are influenced by many factors, including up-bringing, environment, relationships, lived experiences and life choices. Our personality type is genetically determined and remains with us for life. Research is under way to confirm the existence of a "personality type gene". Our personality gene determines some of our natural strengths, gifts, abilities and points of growth. It helps explain why we are similar to some people in our lives, and different to others. It helps explain why we have synergies with & attractions to some people more than others. It explains some of our typical, instinctive patterns of behaviour. The icons below link to description pages for of each type. The description pages link to equivalent personality profiles from other models, such as the Enneagram, Myers-Briggs, the Chinese Zodiac and Western Astrology. To discover your type, you can consider the two questions at the bottom of the page. This personality quiz is also designed to assist you.
Males Type Number Females
Time 4 Queen
Question 1: Typically, are you an extrovert or introvert? Consider, if you are in a group of 3 or 4 people... Do you mostly talk? - Extrovert or Do you mostly listen/observe? - Introvert
Question 2: Typically, is your body shape fuller-bodied (endomorph) or slimmer (ectomorph)? If unsure, consider what happens when you stop exercising for an extended period... Do you gain weight? - Endomorph or Do you lose body mass on your arms and legs? - Ectomorph